Medevent Ltd | About Us
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We provide professional HPC registered Paramedics, IHCD EMT’s and nursing staff to leading UK NHS Trusts, local authorities and individuals

CQC 17th October 2013

"..... we were able to speak with one relative who told us that the service provided by Medevent was "superb".

They said that they had "Nothing but praise for the team who had cared for their relative over a significant number of years".

They went on to say that since Medevent took over "It had been the most settled period of their relatives care."

"The care team are a permanent part of our family and they provided discreet care allowing their relative their own space to develop an independent life as is possible".

"We work closely with the company and the team to ensure our relatives medical and social care is well balanced".

Medevent is registered, and therefore licensed to provide services, by the Care Quality Commission (Provider ID: 1-153024237). For more information, visit .

The CQC are responsible for ensuring that we as an organisation are compliant with their standards and requirements. They monitor this with regular communications and visits with us to check our standards.


Medevent are also accredited by Qualsafe for first aid and pre-hospital training. See our training pages for further details.

CQC - Care Quality Commission
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