Medevent Ltd | About Us
Call us for an informal chat on 01484 819 004
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Meet our team. With our many years of collective experience in both NHS and private ambulance, we are here to help you.

Michael Wood – Director/General Manager – RODP/FPOS

Michael is still practicing as Registered Operating Department Practitioner and has 10 years experience in a healthcare environment. He was head-hunted by Mark after serving four years as a Resources Coordinator for an international private ambulance company.

Helen Powney - Clinical Director - SR Para, MC Para, FdSC Paramedic Science

Helen is a practicing State Registered Paramedic with over twelve years experience working for the NHS ambulance service. She brings with her a wealth of clinical expertise. Helen is currently also studying for an Advanced Clinical Practice degree. She has previously owned and run a successful textiles company.

Chris is a qualified Ambulance & Mental Health Care Assistant and has a number of years' experience in Patient Transport Services within the healthcare sector working with a number of NHS trusts and Clinical Commissioning Groups through to mobilising contracts and crews 24/7.

Chris brings with him excellent leadership skills in both Operational Situations and Team Motivated Leadership. He has continued his career progression through to the Mental Health Sector, gaining skills and experience in conflict resolution and restraint and has always been a valued member of his team.

We are delighted to have Chris on board and looking forward to watching his skills flourish as part of our established team.

CQC - Care Quality Commission
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